


The Famos Group is active within four core businesses; short-sea shipping, customized cargo handlers, integrated logistics and personal/leadership development.

Shipping & Logistics

Through our extensive network and fleet capacity, we transport various cargoes from the forestry and steel industries and we ship to basically all ports in our core region, which is currently intra-Europe, shortly to be followed by other continents.

FrontLog also provides terminal handling in ports, warehousing, and transportation by truck or rail. In addition, FrontLog also offers a state-of-the-art IT & information system, which brings maximum transparency to the customers about the status of the cargo at any given time. www.frontlog.se

Cargo Handling

MultiDocker AB produces one of the worlds' most versatile and efficient cargo handlers, customized for ports and industrial use. The cargo handlers are based on standard, reliable well-proven Caterpillar components combined with our own industrial and innovative solutions.


Personal & leadership development

Our experience is that companies that invest in their employees’ wellbeing are more likely to be successful and prosperous as organizations. For the past 15 years Inspirationskällan has successfully focused on individual coaching, leadership development and "Women in Business". www.inspirationskallan.se

Clean water

Clean water is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing today.

The company provides different innovative non-chemical solutions for cleaning water for both sanitary and industrial applications.

Read more at: www.fonte.se


The Famos Group invests in businesses with expansion abilities and long-term ambitions. As the Group is growing, we are always open to new ideas and to contribute with resources wherever we can make a positive change. Our objective is to drive development forward, both our customers’ and our own!


2015-02-16 Logistics solutions by FrontLog:

FrontLog is happy to announce the success of a total logistics solution. This customer origin from the steel industry. The goods comes from central Europe and is transported by sea to Sweden, handled at a terminal and finally delivered  by truck and rail to end receiver.  

This total chain of transportation is delivered by FrontLog. FrontLog are proud to involve important partners, like Port of Norrköping, to make this logistics solution possible.

The first vessel arrived week 6 and will from now on call the Swedish port 1-2 times/month. Norrköping will thereby be an important hub in the logistics chain.


2015-01-30 MD onboard again!

MultiDocker is proud to announce a new deal with Claus Rodenberg Waldkontor gmbh about a MultiDocker onboard the vessel St.Pauli (http://waldkontor.com/de/transporte/schiff.htm).

This solution is one of MD’s specialties as we have long experience within shipping and logistics. The product that will be mounted onboard is a CH74 with a CS cabin and 22 meters reach. Delivery in March


2014-10-20 Several new deals for MultiDocker :

We are happy to announce the the subsidiary MultiDocker sold several cargo handlers past months in The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. The cargo handlers has also been seen on Russian TV. Please read more at: multidocker.com/news


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